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Calories Add Weight: Subtle Daily Gains

Basic Weight Gaining Behaviors:

You may be surprised how they add up

3500 extra calories = 1 pound

Eating Behaviors

Nighttime Eating 5x a week 

270 calories per snack time   

Weekly calorie intake: 1350 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 70,200 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 20 pounds


Snacking w/television 5 hours a week

135 calories per snack  

Weekly calorie intake: 680 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 35,360 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 10 pounds


Bingeing twice a week

1000-3000 calories per binge

Weekly calorie intake: 2-6000 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 104 to 312,000 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 30-90 pounds


Drinking 3 Beers once a week

146 calories per beer      

Weekly calorie intake: 438 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 22,726 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 6.5 pounds


Snacking on potato chips 5x week

150 calories per serving  

Weekly calorie intake: 750  extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 39000 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 11 pounds


Eating a large bagel 3x a week

323 calories    

Weekly calorie intake: 969 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 50,388 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 14 pounds


Habitual Overeating Daily         

380 calories  

Weekly calorie intake: 2600 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 138,320 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 40  pounds


Eating second Helpings 3x a week

200 calories        

Weekly calorie intake: 600 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 31,200 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 9 pounds


Drinking 1 Glass of Wine 5x a week

100 calories a glass  

Weekly calorie intake: 500 extra calories

Annual  calorie intake: 26,000 extra calories

Potential annual weight gain: 8 pounds

Calories Add Weight: Subtle Daily Gains

Take a look at your habitual behaviors and see how it’s affecting your weight. What would you be willing to do differently? It’s amazing how making one change could make such a significant difference. Instead of drinking a glass of wine in the evening could you make yourself some herbal tea? If you are having trouble letting go of some of these sabotaging behaviors and would like some tools and tips on how to make lifestyle changes when it comes to food, click here to gain access to our proven program on how to change your relationship with food once and for all.

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