What is your Eating Style? Self Quiz 1. I tend to overeat only certain types of food. Yes No 2. Once I have a bite of certain foods my eating may go out of control. Yes No 3. I sometimes worry that I won't get enough to eat or I might never stop eating. Yes No 4. Sometimes the only way to make cravings go away is to eat whatever I'm thinking about. Yes No 5. I have gone to unusual lengths to get the food I'm craving. Yes No 6. I overeat when I'm feeling anger, depression, fatigue, or looking forward to comfort or reward. Yes No 7. Many days I head straight for the refrigerator when I get home from the day's activities. Yes No 8. I've noticed I eat when I'm bored. Yes No 9. For no reason I sometimes find that I am extremely hungry. Yes No 10. I am uncomfortable expressing or sharing my feelings. Yes No 11. I would like to be a more confident person. Yes No 12. After I lose weight and receive positive attention I start regaining the weight. Yes No 13. I want to lose weight to please people who are important in my life. Yes No 14. I'm reaching the point where I'm afraid that I will never lose the excess weight. Yes No 15. I feel bad about my weight which makes me feel like a failure. Yes No Page 1 out of 1 Or Leave an Anonymous Comment Instead. Cancel replyYour email address will not be published.Comment Notify me of followup comments via e-mail Name Email Website